Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weekly Mansion

We're staying at a weekly mansion. It has been good, but a mansion? It is 50 square metres in size, large by Japanese standards. Our mansion is on the tenth floor of a high-rise apartment block, we have a nice view of the city and a clock beaming its' time though our paperdoors. Although the door is made of paper, the frame is made of wood, a danger for Mark's forehead. We were rather amused when we discovered we had 4 plastic forks, 4 spoons and 8 sets of chopsticks, but no dinner knives. We do, however, have one extremely sharp chopping knife. Ouch. Being foreigners we have the luxury of western beds with Japanese bedding. As I peer into my neighbour's mansion I see that they are setting up their futons for the night. A futon in a tatami room.


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